Lunch and Learn – Equity in a New Food Economy | AEO 2020 Virtual Conference

Lunch and Learn – Equity in a New Food Economy | AEO 2020 Virtual Conference

Our conference theme, Resilient: Small Businesses Strengthening Local Economies, speaks to the shifts that are happening in our nation’s economic, political, and even ecological climate, and their impact on Main Street. Local economies across the nation are not only surviving, but thriving because of small businesses that have been able to withstand everything from natural disasters to government shutdowns. We believe that their success in spite of market-level challenges is the secret to success for the future generations of entrepreneurs.

This year’s conference is all about tapping into the power of entrepreneurship to reinforce the growth of local economies. We are excited to convene experts across various fields for an immersive learning experience that will drive the creation of innovative solutions for bolstering local economies through microbusiness expansion. The 2020 AEO Digital Conference is a must-attend event for professionals who provide capital, technical assistance, and other forms of trusted guidance to underserved entrepreneurs.

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